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Exploring Supplements to Naturally Boost Testosterone Levels

Discover various supplements such as Vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium, Ashwagandha, and Fenugreek that may help increase testosterone levels, especially for those with deficiencies. Important notes on efficacy and safety considerations are also discussed.

  • What can i take to increase testosterone levels

  • There are a variety of supplements that have been studied for their potential to increase testosterone levels, although the evidence can be inconsistent and should be considered carefully:

    1. Vitamin D: Supplementation with Vitamin D has shown to potentially increase testosterone levels, particularly in those with a deficiency1.
    2. Zinc: Zinc is beneficial in boosting testosterone levels when there is a deficiency. Lack of sufficient zinc intake can lead to lower testosterone levels2.
    3. Magnesium: Similar to zinc, magnesium supplementation has been associated with increases in testosterone levels, especially when combined with exercise3.
    4. Ashwagandha: This herb has shown some promise in increasing testosterone levels in men, particularly in the context of reducing stress and increasing fertility4.
    5. Fenugreek: Fenugreek extract has been found in some studies to have a positive effect on testosterone levels4.

    However, it's crucial to note that not all "testosterone boosting" supplements have proven efficacy, and some may even contain ingredients that lack strong evidence of benefit or may exceed recommended daily allowances56.

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    1. S Pilz, "Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men," PubMed, 2010. Link

    2., "Increase testosterone naturally," 2023. Link

    3., "Conditions with low testosterone," 2023. Link

    4. Stephen J Smith, "Examining the Effects of Herbs on Testosterone Concentrations in Men: A Systematic Review", PubMed, 2021. Link 2

    5. Chase G Clemesha, "'Testosterone Boosting' Supplements Composition and Claims Are not Supported by the Academic Literature," PubMed, 2020. Link

    6. Amit Zamir, "Manipulation of Dietary Intake on Changes in Circulating Testosterone Concentrations," PubMed, 2025. Link

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